Fluke PM5193 SM
With 10 MHz Sync
50Mhz Function & Pulse Generator

MSRP - $7085.00
The PM 5193 SM offers complete versatility of performance, and a wide array
of features to meet both today's and tomorrow's requirements. Complete in
frequency range, with an exceptional 11 1/2 digit frequency resolution and
setting accuracy of better than 0.1 mHz. Complete in function selection,
with a choice of eight waveforms that include sine, square, ramps and
haversine, plus a built-in pulse generator for positive and negative pulses
with 3 ns transition times. Complete in modulation, with AM, FM, gating and
counted burst with programmable single-shot or continuous operation, and
programmable internal (to 200 kHz) or external modulation. Complete in sweep
facilities, with linear and logarithmic sweep and three sweep modes, which
can be controlled internally (single or continuous) or by an external
trigger. Finally, complete for both bench top or systems applications, with
ten stored setups and full IEEE-488 programmability.
This instrument is clean
and performs flawlessly. There are a few minor scratches on the front
and sides. The unit has the External Synchronization Option (see below
for more details). I also believe the PM5193 has the external video
option (External Video is marked on the front panel). Looking at a
standard PM5193 I do not see this marking.

Wide choice of standard
The PM 5193 offers a choice of
eight standard waveform functions. All functions are selectable either
through the front panel or the IEEE-488 interface, with LED indicators to
show at a glance which function is selected. Out-of-range or other invalid
settings are indicated by blinking LED indicators, simplifying use of the
front panel and the bus interface.
selectable modulation modes
All required modulation modes are also instantly
available at the touch of a button covering AM, FM, burst and gating. For
sweep you have a choice of linear or logarithmic sweep and a selection of
the required sweep mode ¾ 1, 2, or 3.
Quartz crystal
Today's stringent quality controls require test
procedures to be reproduced exactly ¾ today, tomorrow and next year. The
quartz crystal precision of the PM 5193 gives you the assurance of
reproducible frequency settings within very closely defined limits. Aging
rates for these crystals are less than 1 ppm/year. Coupled with the
negligible setting error (also better than 1 ppm), these generators give you
true long-term reference performance. Frequency resolution is a full 8
digits, providing a maximum frequency resolution of 0.1 mHz. You can take
full advantage of the instrument's high precision.
frequency programming
The frequency keypad area allows precise programming
of all frequency-related settings, including scale (Hz/kHz) and frequency
steps. These preset frequency steps allow incremental frequency changes with
the step + or - buttons.
Frequency values are programmed via the numeric
keyboard, and input using the Enter key. A rub-out key allows values to be
corrected before entry.
output level setting
The desired output levels in Vpp, VRMS
or dBm can be selected by a special keypad, while the selected output
voltage is indicated on the LED display. A step function allows quick
changes in output level in presettable steps.
Specially developed circuitry prevents any
interaction between ac and dc settings. The signal outputs, including a TTL
output, are short-circuit proof.
Full IEEE-488
programmability adds extra versatility
The full IEEE-488 programmability of the PM 5193
adds an important extra dimension to its versatility. All instrument
functions can be remotely activated from a PC or test system controller, and
all settings and status data can be uploaded from the instrument for storage
in the controller and recalled whenever they are required.
Built-in Learn and Identification modes speed and
simplify IEEE programming. In Learn mode, complete strings of instructions
representing front-panel settings can be transmitted to the controller. The
same instrument setup can then be reproduced whenever required, simply by
re-transmitting the same string of instructions.
Setting of the PM 5193's IEEE device address is
performed simply by direct keyboard entry, instead of through the use of
hard-to-reach internal or rear-panel DIP switches.
10 MHz external
In many applications where frequency synthesizers
are used, the possibility of synchronizing the outputs of two or more
synthesizers is valuable when you want to have signals of exactly the same
frequency, precisely determined frequency ratios or in locked phase
conditions. The PM 5193 uses the synchronization frequency of 8.6 MHz,
allowing convenient synchronization of two or more of the instruments.
For applications demanding traceability to an
external standard, the PM 5193S generator can be synchronized with external
standards at 10 MHz, or sub-harmonics such as 1, 2 or 5 MHz.
modulation facilities
The PM 5193V adds video modulation facilities to the
wide range of waveforms and modulation facilities of the standard
instrument. In this version, video modulation is provided by an external
modulation signal, and replaces the AM external modulation mode of the PM
The carrier frequency can be adjusted precisely up
to 50 MHz, with high accuracy and a maximum resolution of 8 digits.
The PM 5193V has a standard IEEE-488 interface for
remote selection of all keypad functions, making this instrument ideally
suited for automated testing routines on video equipment; for example,
testing the IF units of video recorders and CTV receivers.
* the front panel appears to have capability for Video - But
I am not sure

Frequency Characteristics
Range |
Sine: 0.1
mHz - 50 MHz
pos/neg pulse: 0.1 mHz - 50 MHz
Square wave: 0.1 mHz - 20 MHz
pos./neg. sawtooth: 0.1 mHz - 20 kHz
Triangle: 0.1 mHz - 200 kHz
Haversine: 0.1 mHz - 50 kHz
Resolution: 8 digits, max. 0.1 mHz
Setting error: ± 1 x 10-6
Phase noise at 1 kHz distance from carrier: < -80 dBc/Hz
(fc< 2 MHz)
Phase jitter rms, (measuring bandwidth 10 Hz-20 kHz): <
3 mrad
Frequency jitter rms
(meas. Bandw 10 Hz-20 kHz): < 0.02%, < 1200 Hz
Temperature coefficient: < ±0.2 ppm / K
Aging: < ±1ppm / year
Drift: < ±0.3ppm in 7 hours
Synchronization by an external reference:
fREF=7.5-10 MHz for programmed
MHz and
fREF=8.6±0.5 MHz for
fP >2.147 MHz |
Output Characteristics
Main Output
Connector BNC
socket: On front, optional at rear
Impedance: 50W
Load capability: Short circuit proof
Max. external voltage: ±12V < 3 min
AC voltage ranges: independent of DC setting within: ±
10V window.
I resolution 1 mV: 0 - 0.200 Vpp
II resolution 10 mV: 0.21 - 2.00 Vpp
III resolution 100 mV: 2.1 - 20.0 Vpp
Accuracy for AC voltages
Basic setting error*:
> 2 Vpp; ±2.0%, 1 Hz < fc < 200
Flatness * |
1 Hz-200 kHz: ±0.05 dB
fc: 200 kHz -5 MHz:
±0.07 dB
fc: 5 MHz -10 MHz: ±0.1
fc: 10 MHz -20 MHz:
±0.2 dB
fc: 20 MHz -50 MHz:
±0.5 dB
DC voltage
Independent of AC
setting within: ± 10V window
Range (open circuit): ±10V, resolution 100 mV
Error limits: ±2.0% ±80 mV
TTL Output 0/5V, Z0=50W:
BNC on front
Fan-out: > 5 TTL inputs
Rl=50W, Modulation off
range: 0.1 mHz - 50 MHz
Output range open circuit: 0 - 20 Vpp
Distortion for output voltages and frequencies: 5-100%
of voltage range maximum 1 Hz - 200 kHz
Total harm.distortion: < 0.5%, 0.2% typical
Harmonics fc:1 Hz - 500 kHz: <-43 dBc
Harmonics fc:500 kHz-5 MHz: <-37 dBc
Harmonics fc:5 MHz-10 MHz: <-34 dBc
Harmonics fc:10 MHz-20 MHz: <-30 dBc
Harmonics fc:20 MHz-50 MHz: <-30 dBc
Positive / Negative Pulses |
range: 0.1 mHz - 20 MHz for square and for pulses: 0.1 mHz -
50 MHz
Output range open circuit: 0.2 - 20 Vpp
Pos/Neg. pulse open circuit: 1.0 - 10 Vpp
Rise-/Fall time (at 50 % symmetry)*:
fc: 0.1 mHz - 500 kHz: 10 ns typical < 11.5
fc: 0.1 mHz - 20 MHz: Square: 10 ns typ. <
11.5 ns
fc: 0.1 mHz - 50 MHz: Pulse: 3 ns typical <
4.5 ns
Aberration*: < 2 % (+20 mV,range I)
Asymmetry: See Waveforms
range: 0.1 mHz - 200 kHz
Output range: 0 - 20 Vpp
Linearity error: < 1% (fc< 200 kHz)
Asymmetry: See Waveforms |
Positive /
Negative sawtooth |
range: 0.1 mHz - 20 kHz
Output range: 0 - 10 Vpp
Linearity error: < 1.0% (fc < 20 kHz)
range: 0.1 mHz - 50 kHz
Output range: 0 - 10 Vpp
Rl=50W, Modulation off
AM, FM, Burst,
Sweep, Gate |
frequency: 0.1 mHz - 50 MHz
Carrier waveforms: All excl. pulses
Internal AM
frequency: 10 Hz - 200 kHz
Modulation waveform: Sine
Modulation Depth: 0-100%, resolution 1%
Envelope THD for Mod Depth of:
£ 98%: < 2.0%,
£ 50% : < 1.0% (fm = 100 Hz - 20 kHz
and fc £
30 MHz) |
External AM
frequency: 0 to 200 kHz
Modulation Depth: 0-100%
Envelope THD for Mod depth of:
£ 98%: 1.5% (50W)
£ 50% : 0.7% (fm 100 Hz to 20 KHz)
frequency: > 2 MHz
Carrier waveforms: Sine, square, pulses
Internal FM
frequency: 10 Hz - 200 kHz
Modulation waveform: Sine
Deviation: 10 kHz – 200 kHz, resolution 1 kHz
Modulation distortion, THD:
< 2.0%
< 1.0% for freq. dev. £ 100 kHz, mod.
freq. 200 Hz- 50 kHz, and fc
£ 30 MHz
External FM
frequency: 10 Hz to 200 kHz
Deviation: max. 200 kHz with sine modulation
frequency: 0.1 mHz - 2 MHz
Carrier waveform: All, phase-coherent on/off - switching
On periods per Burst: 1 - 200 Programmable
Start/Stop - Phase: 0°
start/stop level at peaks for haversine, sawtooth and pulses
Burst trigger modes:
Internal (Manually): Single & Continuous with 1 kHz
repetition frequency
External via Mod. input: 1 kHz max. repetition freq.
waveform: All
Sweep functions: Single, Continuous
Sweep characteristics: Linear or logarithmic, Up or down
Sweep modes: Sweep and flyback, Sweep and hold, Sweep
from fstart to fstop
and back to fstart
Sweep ranges max.: 1 mHz - 50 MHz
Sweep time: 10 ms - 999s
Number of frequency steps: 4096 max.
(Non-coherent signal keying) |
frequencies: All
Carrier waveforms: All except pulses
Gate, internal
frequency: 10 Hz - 200 kHz
Duty cycle: 50%
Gate, external
frequency: 0 - 500 kHz
Interface Bus Remote Control
in- and outputs
galvanically separated with opto-couplers |
capability |
all functions and
characteristics |
Address range 0 -
30 and listen only mode |
settings: 1 + 9
Rear connectors: modulation input / triggering input /
reference input / TTL output / modulation output / penlift output
/ sweep output / 10 MHz reference output / interface bus connector*
/ power connector
Dimensions (HxWxD): 105 x 440 x 430 mm
Weight: 10.5 kg
conditions |
Reference 23° C ± 1° C
Operating + 5 .. +40° C
Storage -40 .. +70° C
Safety: According to CE-regulation 73/23 EN61010-1 CAT
II, Pollution Degree 2
EMC: According to CE regulation 89/336:
Emission according to EN 55011, Group 1 Class B, respectively
Immunity according to EN 50082-1, inclusive IEC 801-2, -3, -4
Power / line frequency: 100,120,220,240V / 50 - 60 Hz ±
Power consumption: 105W

Shipping Policy
Buyer will pay $40.00 packing and shipping in the
continental United States. We will make every effort to ship within 24
hours of receipt of payment. We ship with FedEx & UPS only. We will be
glad to ship with other carriers using the purchasers shipping account.
Please contact us to make any special shipping arrangements. For shipping rate
research, our shipping address is Boulder, CO USA ---- Zip Code is 80305.
Foreign buyers:
Unless special provisions have
been made, you are responsible for making your own shipping arrangements and all
costs related to customs, duties & special packaging requirements.
Please do not ask us to quote you international shipping rates. Use the
address information above to research you own shipping rates. You can
email waltwhite@ascentconcepts.com
to get the packaging fee, package weight and size for your research. Items sold outside the USA are sold as is.